As you can see, MontanaGoTo (MTGO2) is in its infancy stage. We're back, continuously adding more content!

Disclaimer ("the site"), also known as MTGO2, is not liable for any illness, injury, missing person(s), or death of visitors of the site who decide to travel to any places described on the site and/or participate in any activities described on the site. is also not liable for any lost, stolen, or damaged property while traveling to and from places listed on the site or participating in any activities described on the site. 

There are inherent risks to any travel, and some of the activities described on this site can be dangerous.  Travel to and through Montana, and visiting (including travel to and from) any place and/or participating in any activities described on the site, is at the sole discretion of the visitor and at their own risk.

Precaution Suggestions

Some necessary precautions to take include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Dress for the Weather.  Montana can have some major temperature swings in a short amount of time, especially in the winter.  It can get very windy and very cold.  Dress appropriately with warm clothes, proper footwear, etc.  Waterproof in the winter is best as there will be snow in areas.
  • Do not approach wildlife.  No matter how cute and innocent, wildlife is still wild, and you never know if "mamma bear" is just around the corner in protection mode.
  • Follow caution signs.  There's a reason they are there.  If there are boundaries set, they are set for a reason (unstable ground near some geysers or on an edge, etc.)
  • Use maps/GPS, etc.  There are some remote areas of Montana where you may not have cell phone coverage.  Be prepared.
  • Plan your travel, including checking road closures and distance between gas stations.  Montana is a very large state, with a lot of distance between gas stations and services in some areas.  Plan ahead and know the distances as to not get stranded.

The above suggestions aren't intended to steer you away, just as a reminder to use a little common sense for what activities/traveling you are planning so that you can enjoy Montana without any issues.
